Lukla Airport: Private Flights

Overview summary

The approach to Lukla Airport in a private charter aircraft is dramatic. Pilots have to fly down a steep valley, followed by a sharp turn and an uphill approach to the runway. The runway ends in a sheer rock cliff which towers over this tiny airport.

Lukla is often used by adventurous travellers climbing Mount Everest. The airport is also known as Tenzing-Hillary Airport.

For private jet charter flights from Lukla Airport call PrivateFly on
+44 20 7100 6960 (24 hours).

History | Location | Facts | Flight Prices

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Lukla Airport History

Lukla Airport was built during the 1960s by local sherpas, under instruction from the famous mountaineer and explorer Sir Edmund Hillary.

Lukla Airport Location

Lukla Airport is the closest airport to Mount Everest.

Lukla Airport Facts

Lukla Airport opening hours are dependent on the visibility and weather at the airport and on the flight approach to Lukla.
Airport Codes: LUA / VNLK
Elevation: 9100 feet
Runway length: 460 metres Lukla Airport's short runway means that it is only suitable for some small prop private charter flights and helicopters.

Lukla Airport has a helipad available for helicopter flights.

Private Jet Charter Prices - Lukla Airport

Find private flight prices online for private jet charter to or from Lukla Airport with our private jet cost calculator.

For a personalised quote or further information please contact us or call +44 20 7100 6960 (24 hours).


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