Royal Golf in Le Touquet

Enjoy a trip to Le Touquet in your own private aircraft.
The flight time from Biggin Hill to Le Touquet Airport is only 35 minutes.
For private jet charter advice and prices call our 24 hour expert Flight Team on {{telephone}} or search for instant estimate prices from your local airport using our flight search:
Your taxi can meet you as you step off the aircraft, and you are just minutes from the golf course.
You can also enjoy many of Le Touquet's excellent restaurants or a coastal walk before heading home.
The Beechcraft King Air 350 can take up to 8 passengers and 8 sets of golf clubs.
Private Flights to Le Touquet

London - Le Touquet - London
Day return
Aircraft: Beechcraft King Air
Seats: 8
Private Jet Flight estimate: £4 050
How to book private flights for golf
Call PrivateFly on {{telephone}}, or contact us
Our team of private jet experts can recommend the best aircraft to charter for your golf flight