WINNERS ANNOUNCED IN PRIVATE JET PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS, the private jet booking service, has announced the winners of its Private Jet Photography Awards 2013, launched earlier this year to mark the 50th anniversary of the first private jet flight*. See winning images
The competition generated hundreds of entries, from photographers across the world, in the five categories of Ground, Air, Detail, Speed and Crew.
The winning images were selected by a judging panel including aviation and travel photographers Jessica Ambats, Craig Easton, Tom Mackie, Paul Bowen and Nick Meers; Caroline Metcalfe of Conde Nast Traveller; Alan Capel, Head of Content at Alamy; Manfred Zoller, editor of fotoMAGAZIN; and Alud Davies, editor of BizJetBlogger.
The overall winner received a £1,000 cash prize and a featured photographer profile with Alamy, with the winner of each category receiving a £250 cash prize (or equivalent currency). Adam Twidell, CEO of PrivateFly commented: “We were thrilled to see such a diverse range of entries, from photographers across the world. Each image was appraised by a judging panel made up of some of the most prestigious names in travel photography.
“The collection of winning photography is a fantastic visual celebration of the private jet as it celebrates its golden age. An iconic symbol recognised as the pinnacle of air travel”.
A full gallery of winning images can be viewed at
An exhibition of the images will also be on display at London City Airport during December 2013 and January 2014.
CATEGORY: CREW (and overall winner)
Photographer: Jose Maria Ocana Marseille Airport, France. March 2013 "I was the captain of this flight - I love to combine my two passions. The camera was on a tripod behind the seat, using a remote trigger. Close to the ground the lights move faster and create longer light trails."
What the judges said: "There were a few cockpit shots in this category, but this image was by far the most compelling because the interior light is well balanced with the exterior." (Tom Mackie).
Photographer: Jim Koepnick Dawn over Lake Michigan, Wisconsin. August 2012 "The actual shot was not planned, but I was in radio contact with my photo pilot partner. I wanted a clear background and to show the lake below the aircraft. Photographing a Lear Jet from behind is a classic that creates a great shape."
What the judges said: "I like that the jet is going away from the camera and flying off into the sunset. The image evokes emotion." (Jessica Ambats)
Photographer: John Ford Palomar Airport, San Diego. April 2013 "I call this 'The Board Meeting'. This was a spontaneous shot. We were only about a hundred feet up when I spotted these jets. My first thought was that the CEOs were inside, talking on their cell phones to each other without having to leave the aircraft."
What the judges said: "Great angle, shows the photographer has taken time to get a more unusual take, they look like they are chatting to each other. The white against the black removed any fussy distractions." (Alan Capel)
Photographer: Nick Gleis Van Nuys Airport, Los Angeles. September 2011 "This shoot almost didn't happen due to rain. But I saw the clouds clearing and I knew there was going to be a spectacular sunset. I knew this shot was going to be a rare opportunity…and it was."
What the judges said: "Stunning lighting, made by the carefully-balanced light inside the cockpit - well done." (Nick Meers)
Photographer: Carlos Pereira Vargas Juan Santamaria International Airport, Costa Rica. October 2011 "During Costa Rica’s heavy October rains, most aircraft use runway 25 which allows great panning with a really wet runway."
What the judges said: "I love the drama in this picture, with the Lear speeding up to take off, and with the background out of focus adding to the drama." (Alud Davies)