Private jets are an iconic symbol, recognised as the pinnacle of air travel. Earlier this year we launched the PrivateFly Private Jet Photography Awards to support aviation photography talent and uncover some exciting private jet imagery.
The winning images were chosen by a judging panel of the leading names in travel and aviation photography. Meet the judges
Congratulations to all the winners and runners up.
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Photographer: José Maria Ocana
Marseille Airport, France. March 2013
"I was the captain of this flight - I love to combine my two passions. The camera was on a tripod behind the seat, using a remote trigger. Close to the ground the lights move faster and create longer light trails."
What the judges said:
Nick Meers: "A lovely shot which brilliantly captures the speed and tension, and the balance of the lights inside and outside make this a worthy winner".
Tom Mackie: "There were a few cockpit shots in this category, but this image was by far the most compelling because the interior light is well balanced with the exterior. The slow shutter speed created a light blur on the exterior lights that helped to contrast with the interior lights."
Jessica Ambats: "Sense of movement, technical difficult image, great lighting."
Manfred Zollner: "For its wonderful mix of light and the dramatic wideangle perspective the photographer has selected to depict this."
Alud Davies: "There's so much to look at in this photo, and it's all been captured in difficult lighting conditions, and at a critical time of the flight"

Photographer: Carlos Pereira Vargas
Juan Santamaria International Airport, Costa Rica. October 2011
"During Costa Rica’s heavy October rains, most aircraft use runway 25 which allows great panning with a really wet runway."
What the judges said:
Jessica Ambats: "The blurred background gives a sense of speed. The fact that it's an Air Ambulance also implies urgency/speed."
Alud Davies: "I love the drama in this picture, with the Lear speeding up to take off, and with the background out of focus adding to the drama."

Photographer: Jim Koepnick
Dawn over Lake Michigan, Wisconsin. August 2012
"The actual shot was not planned, but I was in radio contact with my photo pilot partner. I wanted a clear background and to show the lake below the aircraft. Photographing a Lear Jet from behind is a classic that creates a great shape.";
What the judges said:
Jessica Ambats: "I like that the is jet going away from the camera and flying off into the sunset. The image evokes emotion."
Adam Twidell: "The colours and contrast in this shot are so striking. It's the perfect backdrop and angle to show off the LearJet 60 at its best."

Photographer: Nick Gleis
Van Nuys Airport, Los Angeles. September 2011
"This shoot almost didn't happen due to rain. But I saw the clouds clearing and I knew there was going to be a spectacular sunset. I knew this shot was going to be a rare opportunity…and it was." See more images at
What the judges said:
Nick Meers: "Stunning lighting, made by the carefully-balanced light inside the cockpit - well done"
Tom Mackie: "This image has beautiful light and colour. The wet surface helps to reflect the dramatic sky."
Manfred Zollner: "Beautiful combination of the sunset mood and the warm colors of the cockpit light, combined withe this drama reflection of the wet ground."
Alud Davies: "There's something about this picture that captures the romance of business aviation. It's an evocative, almost cinematic image with perfect lighting."

Photographer: John Ford
Palomar Airport, San Diego. April 2013
"I call this 'The Board Meeting'. This was a spontaneous shot. We were only about a hundred feet up when I spotted these jets. My first thought was that the CEOs were inside, talking on their cell phones to each other without having to leave the aircraft."
What the judges said:
Alan Capel: "Great angle, shows the photographer has taken time to get a more unusual take, they look like they are chatting to each other. The white against the black removed any fussy distractions."
Tom Mackie: "I liked this image very much for the unusual composition and design using the positive and negative space. It’s an angle that is not often seen which sets it apart from the other images."

What the judges said:
Nick Meers: "This is a fantastic rendition of speed, and must have been difficult to achieve. It is also an unusual composition which gives a great feeling of speed"

What the judges said:
Paul Bowen: "The blue contrast of the plane against the green-brown background sets the plane off. Panning the camera with the plane kept the plane in focus and blurred the background, further setting off the plane."

What the judges said:
Manfred Zollner: "Great mood, gentle light on the plane, dynamic crop and of course a spectacular skyline"

What the judges said:
Tom Mackie: "Great shot straight on to the jet with beautiful, warm light. Having the jet at an angle helps to make it more dynamic."

What the judges said:
Alan Capel: "Interesting angle, the almost monochrome look coupled with the heat haze from the engines adds depth and interest to the shot."

What the judges said:
Caroline Metcalfe: "Points awarded for the colour, texture and angularity."

What the judges said:
Paul Bowen: "I like the 747 because of the cropping, lighting and basic composition. It’s difficult to determine what is a “detail”, especially with so huge a subject, but the overall shot has a great feeling."

What the judges said:
Paul Bowen: "This is a lovely image, with perfect lighting and composition, and also tells a story. You can tell the shooter took their time planning this shot, even down to the wet tarmac. This is my favorite image in the entire photo contest."

What the judges said:
Caroline Metcalfe: "I thought it good to see other 'crew' on the ground as smaller figures in this shot because they are as crucial as other team members involved but when thinking of 'crew' we tend just to think of pilots and cabin staff."
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